Downtown River Greenway - Phase III

Client Name: City of Sioux Falls - Parks and Rec Department

Location: Downtown Sioux Falls, SD

Project Type: New Construction

Market Type: Community Park

Design Services Provided: Electrical Engineering & Lighting Design

Description of Project:

This is the third phase of the Downtown River Greenway expansion. This project adds a Riverwalk along the Big Sioux River behind The Steel District buildings with a park for community gatherings. The park includes a shelter, dog park, and gathering space. The entire site adds several Riverwalk access points, trees, and decorative landscaping. The shelter includes power for various events and gatherings, and special power connections for up to four food trucks.
Description of Unique Design Challenges: This project required a lot of power and control over that power with very few places to locate it. We integrated several power and lighting elements into the simple column and beam steel shelter structure and worked with the welder to provide the attachment points.